Good-bye Tata, Thank you

nelson-mandela As a South African born in 1977, I owe so much to this man, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. To hear of his passing leaves me with a deep sorrow.  His life  has run parallel to mine  and and through his kind loving actions I have been given so much. Without him I wouldn’t be where I am now and for that I am grateful

What I admire most of Nelson Mandela is that he was always humble even through those tough times in his life , and always had faith that our country would have peace and be a better country. His an extra ordinary amazing human being and a good example for all people living on this Earth .

Rolihlahla – This is Mr Mandela’s birth name: it is an isiXhosa name which means “pulling the branch of a tree”, but colloquially it means “troublemaker”.  I like you Madiba am also a wood collector, I too am a trouble maker.  I honour you in my actions, I salute you Madiba.

To you Tata , we love you and appreciate what you’ve done for us.

God Bless,

Madiba sitting on one our first Storytelling Chairs in South Africa