Since building our first Composting Toilet in 2008 we have built quite a few composting toilets all over the country. Here are some of the installations to date.
Compost Toilet Installations
Customer Installations
Hay-on-Wye Campsite
'We love our Free Range Loo. In fact visitors are very attracted to it! They long to mount the steps and sit in splendid isolation contemplating their next move.... well the loo works really well and is a pleasure to have in the garden. A worthwhile investment.'
Ros and Geoff Garratt, Racquets Farm,
Machynlleth Community Gardens
We have just finished making a compost toilet for a community garden in Machynlleth. Of course, the town where the Centre for Alternative Technology is based should have one of the smartest compost toilets.
Bright Woods Forest School
Here is a compost toilet that we installed last year for Bright Woods Forest School in Teesdale.
Bright Woods Forest School believes in children’s rights to play, to access the natural world, to experience appropriate risk and a healthy range of emotions.
They believe that children who are given the freedom to play in the outdoors, get dirty and wet are simply happy children. Such children are more fulfilled, less prone to depression and more connected to the world around them.
So it made sense for them to choose one of Free Range Designs disabled access compost toilets. The team arrived in the forest school woods and spent a couple of days erecting this fully wheelchair accessible composting toile.
Gary Jones, Ceramics
Marketing director, Sirius Gym
Its is always a pleasure to install a toilet for a fellow artist. Gary Jones makes scultpures in his studio and was looking for a disabled access composting toilet for his pottery students
Kate Fowler
Oh dear I have not found the clients info on this toilet.
Hatley St George church in Cambridgeshire
Rowditch Allotments, Whiffle Pig
Hi Suzanne,