New on-line shop! started out in January 2010 with an on-line gallery and shop that was a great launch pad for our products and served us well...

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Spring is in the Air

Spring is definitely in the air, daffodils, blue skies and well not quite ash leaves but we are getting there… Here is a driftwood heart mirror mad...

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Oak driftwood bed

Here is the latest driftwood oak bed to roll out of Free Range Designs. The client wanted a darker bed to go with her other furniture, so we select...

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Story Tellers Range of Chairs

Storytelling chairs are an exciting new way to bring a touch of magic to the playground and classroom. Inspire children to engage with reading and ...

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All about the Driftwood

I love being on the beach, which is why I enjoy working with driftwood so much. I can spend days walking along the west Wales coastline close to wh...

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