Urin Separator für Trenntoiletten - Trenneinsatz aus ABS-Kunststoff
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Urin Separator Plastik - Effiziente Lösung für Ihre Komposttoilette
Erleben Sie die perfekte Kombination aus Effizienz und einfacher Handhabung mit dem Urin Separator Plastik. Diese innovative Lösung zur Urintrennung ist ein Ergebnis umfassender Forschung, um Ihre Komposttoilette geruchsfrei und wartungsfreundlich zu gestalten.
Warum der Urin Separator Plastik?
- Geruchsfreie Toilettenkompostierung - Der Urin Separator sorgt dafür, dass Urin und Feststoffe getrennt bleiben, wodurch eine geruchsfreie, aerobe Kompostierung ermöglicht wird.
- Maximale Urintrennung - Entwickelt, um die maximale Menge an Urin abzuleiten und die Feststoffe trocken zu halten, funktioniert der Separator sowohl für männliche als auch weibliche Benutzer.
- Einfache Montage - Der Separator kann unkompliziert unter der Toilettenöffnung angebracht werden, was ihn ideal für kompakte Toiletteninstallationen macht.
- Leicht zu reinigen - Die glatte Oberfläche erleichtert die Reinigung, und der Metallfilter kann zur gründlichen Reinigung einfach entfernt werden.
- 10 Jahre Garantie - Aus robustem ABS-Kunststoff und Metall gefertigt, bietet der Separator eine beeindruckende Haltbarkeit und kommt mit einer 10-Jahres-Garantie gegen Herstellungsfehler.
Der Urin Separator Plastik ist die perfekte Wahl für umweltbewusste Haushalte, die eine wartungsarme und effektive Lösung für ihre Komposttoilette suchen. Hergestellt in einem kleinen Familienunternehmen in Wales, garantiert er Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit. Verlassen Sie sich auf unseren Separator, um Ihre Toilettenkompostierung zu optimieren!
Delivery time: 1-3 working days
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Customer Photos
Technical Data
- made from recyclable ABS plastic
- easy to adjust and work with
- 4 mm strong material
Length : 33,50 cm
Width : 29,50 cm
Height : 14,00 cm
Tapered Spout Diameter : 30mm - 32mm
Key Features
- 20 years design experience
- Latest diverting Technology
- Durable construction
- Smooth, easy-to-clean surface
Here are some common questions we have been asked over the 20 years of selling urine diverters.
Do you always have stock available?
Yes, we make the urine separators ourselves in our workshop in Wales, UK. This means that we can control production and never run out of stock.
How many different designs of separator do you have?
We make two different designs: the Classic Urine Separator and the Complete Urine Separator.
What features do the separators share?
- The internal measurements of both separators are exactly the same. The funnel bowl size is the same; the outlet pipe has the same dimensions and both separators are fitted with the same size metal filter.
- The separators are all made from the same high quality 4mm ABS plastic.
What are the differences between the two separators?
The Compact Urine Separator is the original design that we first made in 2009. It is smaller than the Complete Separator and fills around the front 1/3 of the oval space inside the toilet seat. The Compact Separator has a single hole for collecting urine, leaving the space behind open.
The Complete Urine Separator has a rim at the back and an additional opening for solid waste. This opening extends downwards, containing solid waste as it falls, so that it lands safely in the bucket and the inside of the toilet doesn’t get dirty. The Complete separator fills the entire oval space inside the toilet seat.
The Complete Urine Separator is supplied pre-cut into an oval shape. No further cutting is required. The Compact Urine Separator is supplied square with extra plastic around the funnel curve. You can use it exactly as it is, or you can easily cut the plastic to a bespoke size using a jigsaw at the lowest speed.
What are the benefits of the different separators?
The Compact Urine Separator is smaller and its position can be adjusted, moving it slightly forwards or backwards inside the oval opening of the toilet seat, to capture the maximum amount of urine. The Complete Separator is in one fixed position, as it fills the entire oval space.
The Complete Separator is larger has a contained area at the back for solid waste. This can help to keep the inside of the compost toilet clean.
What are the separators made from?
All Free Range Designs urine diverters are made from solid 4mm ABS plastic, in either white or black. ABS plastic is a very strong and durable material; it is also recyclable, and easy to clean with a high-gloss surface.
What pipe size do I need to connect to the separator?
The external diameter of the funnel outlet on both separators is 30mm. We therefore recommend you use a 32mm pipe, also sold as 1, ¼”
